DB Version Maintenance Release Notes

Release Date: 1/21/2011

Following is a summary of the corrections and enhancements included in the WinTen² /Partner Access DB Version Maintenance Release with the release date of 1/21/2011.

Applicant List Release Notes

PH Desktop Inspections Release Notes

Occupancy and Rent Calculation Release Notes

Payroll Release Notes

Section 8 Tenant & Landlord Release Notes

Tenant Accounts Receivable Release Notes

Work Order Release Notes

Applicant List

Program Version:

Program Date: 1/5/2011

Bug Report

1. When scrolling through applicants in the Applicant grid on the Process Waiting List screen using the scroll bar or up and down arrow keys on the keyboard, the rankings of applicants would incorrectly convert into negative numbers. This has been corrected.

Path: Main Menu screen > Waiting Lists > Process Waiting List screen

Public Housing Desktop Inspections

Program Version:

Program Date:12/27/2010

Bug Reports

1. If the "Create separate work order per deficiency" policy was set to False in order to NOT create multiple work orders for units with multiple deficiencies, work orders were still generating for each deficiency . This has been corrected.

Path: Main Menu screen > Edit/Delete Inspections > Browse Inspections screen > Inspection Detail screen > Deficiencies tab > Generate Work Order button

Policies are maintained in the Setup area of the program.

Path: Main Menu screen > Setup > Inspection Setup Menu screen > Policies

2. When failing an inspected item, if you selected a priority and PHAS code and then generated a work order for the deficiency, the selected severity and PHAS code were not transferring to the work order in the Work Order program. This has been corrected.

Path: Main Menu screen > Edit/Delete Inspections > Browse Inspections screen > Inspection Detail screen > Deficiencies tab > Generate Work Order button

Occupancy and Rent Calculation

Program Version:

Program Date: 1/19/2011


1. Previously, you were unable to designate a household member as a Foster Adult (foster over the age of 17). This has been corrected.

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenant > Browse Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > Household tab > Dependent Type drop-down list > F- Foster Child/Adult

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenant > Browse Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > Household tab > Add icon > Add Household Wizard (Step 1) > Dependent Type drop-down list > F- Foster Child/Adult

2. Because employment status for FSS is defined by PHA policy, the description for full time employment is no longer displayed in the program as 32 hours or more, and part time employment is no longer displayed in the program as 32 hours or less.

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenant > Browse Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > FSS/WtW Contract Info icon > FSS/WtW Contract Information screen > Employment Status drop-down list > Full-Time/Part-Time

Bug Reports

1. In some instances, Move Out adjustment calculations were off by one dollar. This has been corrected.
2. We have corrected the following errors that occurred on the Certification Steps Setup Form screen:

Path: Main Menu screen > Setup > Setup screen > Default Settings tab > Tools icon drop-down list > Certification Steps > Certification Steps Setup Form screen

3. Previously, when a tenant was deleted from Active status to History status, the Tenant Detail tab displayed as blank as the process completed. To make this process more informative, we have changed the process so that the Browse Tenants screen now displays as the deletion to History completes.

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenant > Browse Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > Main tab > Delete icon

4. An error sometimes occurred when finalizing an End of Participation certification for a Public Housing FSS tenant. The error prevented you from finalizing the certification but the lease was still terminated in Tenant Accounts Receivable. This has been corrected.

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenant > Browse Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > Certifications tab > Finalize icon > Finalize Certification Wizard

Path: Main Menu screen > Certification > Browse Certifications screen > Tenant Detail screen > Certifications tab > Finalize icon > Finalize Certification Wizard

5. If you changed a tenant's tenant type from "H - Housing Choice Voucher" to "W - Homeownership", the contract rent was not updating correctly in the Homeownership Payment field on the Rent Calculations sub-tab. This has been corrected.

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenant > Browse Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > Main tab > Rent Calculations sub-tab > Homeownership Payment field

6. When creating a certification for a Section 8 Mod Rehab tenant, the transaction type 13 - HQS Inspection was not available. This has been corrected.

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenant > Browse Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > Certifications tab > Add New Certification icon > Begin Certification Wizard (Step 1) > Transaction Type drop-down list

Path: Main Menu screen > Certification > Browse Certifications screen > Tenant Detail screen > Certifications tab > Add New Certification icon > Begin Certification Wizard (Step 1) > Transaction Type drop-down list

7. We have changed the "S" tenant type description from Section 8 Certificate to the now correct Section 8 Certificate/Project Based.

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenant > Browse Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > Main tab > Tenant Type drop-down list > S - Section 8 Certificate/Project Based

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenant > Browse Tenants screen > Add icon > Add Tenant Wizard (Step 2) > Tenant Type drop-down list > S - Section 8 Certificate/Project Based

8. After completing a transaction type 13 - HQS Inspection certification, all the family details were being incorrectly included on the eTrans record. This is not required for an HQS Inspection certification type and has been corrected. Now, when an HQS Inspection e-Trans is created, it only contains the required basic record information, the Head of Household record, and the program type record.

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenant > Browse Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > Certifications tab > Finalize icon > Finalize Certification Wizard

Path: Main Menu screen > Certification > Browse Certifications screen > Tenant Detail screen > Certifications tab > Finalize icon > Finalize Certification Wizard


Program Version:

Program Date: 1/7/2011

Bug Report

1. A problem sometimes occurred after initializing leave in a new year. If YTD totals equaled zero after the first day of a new year, and no check in the new year had been cut, recalculated totals for income and deductions were displaying for the previous year. This has been corrected.

Section 8 Tenant & Landlord

Program Version:

Program Date: 1/18/2011

Bug Report

1. The Section 8 HAP Check Adjustments report was incorrectly calculating the future HAP when the total regular HAP exceeded the remaining balance. This has been corrected.

Tenant Accounts Receivable

Program Version:

Program Date: 1/19/2011

Bug Report

1. Future transactions were not displaying on receipts even if the "Receipts - Show Future Transactions on Receipts" policy was set to True. This has been corrected.

Path: Main Menu screen > Setup > Receivables Setup screen > Policies > Browse Policies screen

Work Order

Program Version:

Program Date: 12/3/2010

Bug Reports

1. If the "Create separate work order per deficiency" policy in the Public Housing Desktop Inspections program was set to False in order to NOT create multiple work orders for units with multiple deficiencies, work orders were still generating for each deficiency . This has been corrected.

Path: Public Housing Desktop Inspections program > Main Menu screen > Edit/Delete Inspections > Browse Inspections screen > Inspection Detail screen > Deficiencies tab > Generate Work Order button

The "Create separate work order per deficiency" policy can be maintained in the Setup area of the Public Housing Desktop Inspections program.

Path: Public Housing Desktop Inspections program > Main Menu screen > Setup > Inspection Setup Menu screen > Policies

2. We have corrected a problem that occurred in the Public Housing Desktop Inspections program that affected work orders generated from that program. After failing an inspected item, if you selected a priority and PHAS code and then generated a work order for the deficiency, the selected severity and PHAS code were not transferring to the work order in the Work Order program. This has been corrected.

Path: Main Menu screen > Maintain > Browse Work Orders screen > Maintain Work Orders screen > Main tab

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